Poster Session and Fingerfood

During the poster session there will also be the opportunity to visit the VR laboratory at the Clausthal Institute for Plant Engineering and Fatigue Analysis, including a virtual tour through a digital factory.

Rui Shi¹, Umut Durak¹ and Sven Hartmann¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
Quadcopter Training Simulator for Drone Hobbyists

Sunil Gopalakrishna¹, Gunther Brenner¹ and Diethelm Johannsmann¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
Towards the Prediction of the Frequency Shift of Acoustic Sensors using the Frequency-Domain Lattice Boltzmann Method

Roberto Gomes de Aguiar Veiga¹, Marcela Bergamaschi Tercini¹ and
Alejandro Zuñiga¹
¹Universidade Federal do ABC
Local structural changes in a Cu45Zr45Al10 bulk metallic glass during deformation: a Molecular Dynamics study

Gheo R. Fauzi¹, A. Afiat¹ and Yudi Rosandi¹
¹Universitas Padjadjaran
Atomistic simulation on vibration dynamics of water saturated porous silicate material

Jana Huchtkoetter¹ and Andreas Reinhard¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
ANNO: A Time Series Annotation Tool to Evaluate Event Detection Algorithms

Hamidreza Farivar¹ and Wolfgang Bleck¹
¹RWTH Aachen
Multi-phase field simulation of core microstructure evolution during post-carburizing heat treatment of case-hardened steel components

Felix Merz¹, Christoph Schwindt¹, Stephan Westphal¹ and Jürgen Zimmermann¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
Mechanisms for Scheduling Jobs with Unknown Processing Times on Unrelated Machines

Jonas Prudente¹, Jan Necil¹ and David Sayah²
¹AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, ²FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Rolling circulation planning of ladle cars in the steel industry

Event Timeslots (1)

posters will be hung out during the whole workshop